Bethlehem (Hebrew בית לחם, Bethlehem, lit. House of Bread, an Arab. بيت لحم, byte-Bethlehem, lit. House of Meat) - a city in the Palestinian Authority, the West Bank of the Jordan River in the historic area of Judea , the capital of the province of Bethlehem, the center of pilgrimage and tourism.
Panorama of the City of David, and the well
Well David - the place where King David had drunk from the spring during the battle with the Philistines.
Tomb of Rachel (Rachel Kubbat) at the entrance to Bethlehem from Jerusalem on the old Hebron road.
Rachel (Hebrew רָחֵל, Rachel - "sheep") - one of the two wives of the patriarch Jacob, Laban's younger daughter, sister, Leah, mother of Joseph and Benjamin. The famous tomb of Rachel in Bethlehem, in existence since ancient times and is a place of pilgrimage. In 1840, Moses Montefiore, after visiting these places donated money for the restoration of the grave. This place is holy both to Jews and Muslims and Christians.
Cave of the Nativity
Cave of the Nativity, Grotto of the Nativity, the Holy Den - the greatest Christian shrine, a cave in the rock where Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary. Located under the pulpit Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. In the surviving written sources first mentioned about 150 years. The underground church is located here since St. Helena. Jerusalem belongs to the Orthodox Church.
Basilica of the Nativity
Basilica of the Nativity of Christ (Greek Βασιλικὴ τῆς Γεννήσεως, an Arab. كنيسة المهد, IOM. כנסיית המולד) - Christian Church in Bethlehem, built, according to legend, the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Along with Temple of the Holy Sepulchre is one of the two major Christian churches in the Holy Land. One of the oldest continuously operating churches in the world. The first church of the Nativity of the cave was built in 330-s on the orders of Emperor Constantine the Great. His consecration took place on May 31, and 339 years since the service is hardly interrupted. The modern basilica is the only Christian church in Palestine, preserved intact with the pre-Islamic period.
Cave and Cradle
Solomon ponds located near the road from Bethlehem to Hebron, three huge tanks to collect water, part of the ancient water supply system of Jerusalem.
City Market
A group of women from Bethlehem
A woman from Bethlehem
Farmers in the vicinity of Bethlehem
Born in Bethlehem on his ass
Bethany (aram. בית עניא, Gr. Βηθανία) - a place which was mentioned in the New Testament as the hometown of Lazarus, Mary and Martha (In.11: 1). The city remained on the eve of Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Traditionally identified with the village (now city) of Al-Azhar (Arab العيزريه) (or "Azarieh 'names are derived from the name of Lazarus and means" place of Lazarus ") in the West Bank, about 3 km east of Jerusalem (actually a suburb of East Jerusalem)
Panorama City
Tomb of Lazarus
Lazarus of Bethany (Lazarus - IOM. אֶלְעָזָר, El ʿ āzār, Eleazar - literally, "God help me," Lazar Chetverodnevny) - according to the Gospel of John, a resident of Bethany, brother of Martha and Mary, whom Jesus Christ was resurrected after four days after death. At the end of IX - the beginning of X century over the tomb of Lazarus in Larnaca was built by the Church of St. Lazarus. In 1972, this temple was found a marble shrine with human remains that are identified as the relics of St. Lazarus, who apparently were not completely removed to Constantinople. The most likely place is the burial tomb of Lazarus in Bethany, which is now owned by Muslims, and for her visit will be charged in the immediate vicinity of the mosque is located. A little further there are two churches, the Orthodox and Catholic. Bethany itself was in the Byzantine era Lazarion name, and later the Muslims came to be called El-Azaria (derived from the Arabic name of Lazarus).
Jenin (Arabic جنين) - a town in the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank of the Jordan River, administrative center of the homonymous province.
Panorama City
Jericho (Arabic أريحا, Ariha; Greek. Ίεριχώ; IIA. יְרִיחוֹ, Jericho) - a city in the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Is the capital of the province of Jericho. Located in the north of the Judean desert, about 7 miles west of the Jordan River, 12 km north-west of the Dead Sea and 30 km north-east of Jerusalem. One of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, repeatedly mentioned in the Bible, which is also called as the "city of palm trees" (Hebrew Ha-Ir Tmarim)
On the road to Jericho, Khan-el-Ahmar
Panorama City
Sabas Monastery
Sabas Monastery (Greek Λαύρα Σάββα τοῦ Ἡγιασμένου; Arabic. دير مار سابا; IIA. מנזר מר סבא - March Saba Monastery) - Greek Orthodox monastery in the Palestinian Authority, the West Bank of the Jordan River, in the Judean desert in the valley of Kidron. Founded around the year 484 by St. Sabas. He is one of the oldest monasteries coenobite. The monastery is under the jurisdiction of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church.
Nabi Samuel
Nabi Samuel, or al-Nabi Samuel (Arabic: النبي صموئيل-Nabi Samu'il, literally "the prophet Samuel"), a Palestinian village in the West Bank with a population of about 220 people and is located four kilometers north of Jerusalem. It is believed that this is where the tomb of Samuel the prophet, after whom the village and was named
View of the village
Ramla (Hebrew רמלה, an Arab. الرملة «al-Ramla") - a city in Israel. Located 20 km east of Tel Aviv. Ramla - perhaps the only city in Palestine, founded by the Arabs. The name derives from the Arabic word for "sand." The city has placed in 716 Caliph Suleiman, were supposed to do it the capital of Palestine instead of the nearby Lydda.
Tower of the Forty Martyrs
According to Muslim tradition, it is argued that the White Mosque buried 40 Companions of the Prophet Muhammad. The Christian tradition of the XVI century. say that the White Mosque was originally a temple in honor of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. White Mosque is an ancient mosque ommeyadskoy in Ramle, Israel, Central District. From the mosque was only 30-meter minaret. In Islamic tradition, it is believed that in the north-western part of the White Mosque is the tomb of Nabi Salih, revered saint of Palestine.
Panoramic views from the tower of the Forty Martyrs (White Mosque)
Hebron (Hebrew חֶבְרוֹן, Hebron, an Arab. الخليل, Al-Khalil) - the largest city in the southern West Bank in the Palestinian Authority, the provincial capital of Hebron. Located 30 miles south of Jerusalem at an altitude of 927 m above the morya.Hevron - one of the oldest cities in the world, located in the historic area of Judah, is revered in Judaism, the second holy city after Jerusalem. The most famous historical site in Hebron - Cave of the Patriarchs is, which is sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims.
Panorama City
Cave of the Patriarchs
The Cave of Machpelah (Hebrew מְעָרַת הַמַּכְפֵּלָה, Me'arat a-mahpela - letters. "Double Cave", an Arab. الحرم الإبراهيمي, Al-Haram al-Khalil) - tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, the ancient part, which, according to the Bible, buried Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives Sarah, Rebecca and Leah. Abraham bought the place from Ephron the Hittite for 400 shekels of silver. According to Jewish tradition, it also buried the body of Adam and Eve. In Judaism, revered as the second most holy place (after the Temple Mount), is also revered by Christians and Muslims.
Mamvriyskogo Oak
Mamvriyskogo oak (as Abraham's Oak) - an ancient tree under which, according to the Bible, Abraham took God. The Bible says that "the Lord appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat in the tent during the heat of the day." The text nowhere mentions Oak, said only that Abraham offered the three angels who appeared to him in the form of travelers' rest yourselves under the tree. " According to legend, the tree still standing, is an evergreen oak Palestine (Latin: Quercus calliprinos) which is believed to be about 5000 years. Located in the Russian monastery of the Holy Trinity in Hebron, 3 km north-west of the cave of Machpelah, in the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority.
Shechem (Hebrew שְׁכֶם, Nablus, in the Russian tradition of Shechem; lat. Flavia Neapolis, Flavia Neapolis, an Arab. نابلس, Nabulus) - a city on the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority, in the historic area of Samaria, the capital of the province Nablus.
Mount Gerizim
Gerizim (possible etymology - "to be cut off, detached") - the name of the mountain in the heart of Samaria. After the Babylonian captivity, the Samaritans built a temple on Mount Gerizim, which was destroyed about 110 years BC by John Hyrcanus, but after Mount Gerizim Samaritans remained for a primary place of prayer, as mentioned in a conversation with the Samaritan woman Jesus Christ
Panorama City
Well Samaritans
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