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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Api terjun di Yosemite National Park.

Waterfalls Horsteyl, which is located in California's Yosemite National Park, is a so-called "seasonal waterfall, that is, it acts only in the winter and early spring. It is located on the eastern slope of El Capitan. Just a few days in February, water here like lights orange flame - the setting sun is reflected from its surface.
Water, breaking down, split into two streams. The one to the east, slightly larger, although both are pretty small. Easterly flow brings down their water from a height of 470 m, and the West - 480 m Horsteyl - the highest waterfall in Yosemite, which flows annually.
(9 photos)

1. With this waterfall is related an interesting story. Earlier in the summer, there was held a kind of ritual. Hotel Owners Glacier Point, located on the top of the mountain, accompanied him on purpose, to attract visitors.

2. With a height of approximately 900 m the hotel workers were thrown into the valley of burning coals, to simulate the glow of the February falls. The ritual was performed at 21.00, which coincided in time with the end view of the Camp Curry, where there was another tourist attraction.

3. This tradition has existed from 1872 until 1968, and strictly blyulas by generations of owners of the hotel.

4. But in January 1968, the National Park Service banned the event to hold, noting that the hotel is already no end of visitors, and over-crowding does not contribute to environmental functions of the reserve, and in addition, the dropping of coal in the valley disrupts the natural balance of nature.

5. A year later, Glacier Point Hotel burned down and never rebuilt.





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