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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kehebatan gambar makro..


Автор: Viktor Kuyda


Muammar Gaddafi in different years of his reign

--- On Fri, 11/3/11, roslan mohd <> wrote:

We see through a differences while before in power and while in power.That is why people will be out of power ??????

The bloody events in Libya shocked the world. Analysts will long debate what happened and discuss the consequences. And we, with this collection of photos taken in different years of Qadhafi, has made an historical overview and a look at the notorious Libyan leader, who ruled the country in 1941. Now 68-year-old Muammar Gaddafi rigidly suppress the opposition's actions, while anti-government protesters continue to demand his resignation.

1. In this photo, 1970 - Libyan leader, 27-year-old Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in uniform. He led Libya since he came to power in a bloodless military coup in 1969. (AP)

2. Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, head of the Revolutionary Command Council of Libya, addresses the crowd at the stadium Benghazi. Presentation is devoted to a U.S. troop withdrawal from the territory of Libya. June 25, 1970. (AP)

3. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat (left), president of Libya's Colonel Muammar Gaddafi (center) and the Syrian General Hafez al-Assad during a reception in Damascus in 1971. The picture was taken August 18, 1971 (AP)

4. In this photo from October 10, 1976 President Muammar Gaddafi welcomed the crowd, riding on horseback during a ceremony at Adzhdabii, Libya. Triumph in 1976, marks the anniversary of the expulsion of six Italians in Libya. (AP)

5. Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi addresses the crowd during a massive rally in Martyrs Square in Tripoli in 1977. The picture was taken on Feb. 9, 1977. In 1977, Gaddafi has invented a system called the "Jamahiriya" or "state of the masses", in which power is in the hands of thousands of "popular committees". In reality, he has maintained an absolute authoritarian control over the country. (Arna Of Tripoli / AP)

6. Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Yasser Arafat (right) with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (center) and PLO leader George Habash welcomed the delegates at the Arab summit December 4, 1977. (AP)

7. Gadhafi on review of Libyan troops during the celebration of 18 th anniversary of the Libyan revolution in Tripoli on Sept. 1, 1987. (John Redman / AP)

8. Gaddafi invites journalists to take place during a press conference in Tripoli on August 20, 1990. On that day, the Libyan leader has collected more than 100 foreign journalists to condemn the U.S. intervention in the Persian Gulf. (Axel Schulz-Eppers / AP)

9. Gaddafi waving Palestinian workers were expelled from Libya, Libya and supporters of the October 4, 1995 during a visit to a camp on neutral territory on the Libyan-Egyptian border under the jurisdiction of Libya. Gaddafi has forced the police to evict the Palestinian workers and their families in response to the agreement of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization. (Mohamed El-Dakhakhny / AP)

10. Gaddafi put his hand on the shoulder of President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo airport on 22 June 1996 the North. Recent anti-government unrest in North Africa and the Middle East, which resulted in Mubarak was dismissed from his post, and now threaten the rule Gaddafi in Libya. (Enric Marti / AP)

11. Gaddafi with the leader of U.S. Muslims Luis Farrakhanom (left) at the opening of a new hospital in Tripoli, 31 August 1996. (Lino Azzopardi / AP)

12. Qaddafi on Sept. 1, 1996, surrounded by guests and supporters in Tripoli during the ceremony of the 27 th anniversary of the coup of 1969, which brought him to power. (Lino Azzopardi / AP)

13. Gaddafi and his wife, Safia Farkash December 2, 1997. Safia - Qaddafi's wife and mother of his seven biological children. Spouses also have adopted a boy and a girl Milada Hanna, who died in 1986 at age four, when the U.S. bombed the Libyan capital of Tripoli. (Dimitri Messinis / AP)

14. Gaddafi (center), President of Kenya Daniel Arap Moi (left) and President of Togo, Gnassingbe Eyadema, during a speech by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak at the opening session of the summit of Europe - Africa in Cairo, 3 April 2000. (Enric Marti / AP)

15. Tunisian President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali welcomed Gaddafi in Tunis on 2 August 2000. (AP)

16. Jordan's King Abdullah II (right) is accompanied by Gaddafi to the municipality of Amman, where the ceremony was held in honor of Gaddafi October 5, 2000. Gadhafi is known for his usually guarded by female bodyguard (in the background, left). (AP)

17. Gaddafi against the backdrop of the statue depicting the seizing an American military aircraft arm, near his home in Tripoli on February 5, 2001. In 2009, in an address to the UN General Assembly Gaddafi criticized the U.S. for the war in Iraq, saying that former U.S. President George W. Bush should be tried for war crimes. (Amr Nabil / AP)

18. Gaddafi during a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in the Libyan city of Sirte on Feb. 10, 2004. (John Moore / AP)

19. British Prime Minister Tony Blair (left) while walking with a tent next to Gaddafi Gaddafi in Tripoli on 25 March 2004. (Alastair Grant / AP)

20. Gaddafi embraces the President of Tunisia Zine El Abidine Ben Ali during a mini-summit of Arab countries in Tripoli on June 10, 2008. According to the U.S. Department of State received from WikiLeaks, Gaddafi is afraid to fly and travels in the company's "magnificent blonde" - Ukrainian nurse. (Abdel Meguid Al-Fergany / AP)

21. Gaddafi during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Tripoli on Sept. 5, 2008. (Nasser Nasser / AP)

22. Meeting Barack Obama and Muammar al-Gaddafi at the summit of the Group of Eight in L'Aquila, Italy, July 9, 2009. (Michael Gottschalk / AP)

23. Qaddafi watches a military parade in Tripoli through the bulletproof glass on Sept. 1, 2009. Last week, protesters seized control of the second largest city in Libya, Benghazi. Anti-government unrest was first sunk capital. Gaddafi's son said his father and the security services would fight "until the last bullet." (Ben Curtis / AP)

24. Qaddafi has been seen in worship after delivering a speech in the city of Benghazi, 25 February 2010. (Abdel Meguid Al-Fergany / AP)


Wednesday, March 9, 2011



Merangsang minda dengan Saffron

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

Hari ini Laman-Seri kongsikan satu lagi flora ciptaan Allah SWT yang mengandungi khasiat yang sangat mengagumkan. Za'faran atau lebih dikenali dengan nama saffron (Inggeris) merupakan herba paling mahal di dunia. Ia mempunyai nilai khasiat dan juga nilai komersial yang tinggi. Maka tidak hairanlah untuk menggunakannya tidak kiralah untuk tujuan perasa makanan mahupun ubatan, kuantiti yang diambil hanya sedikit.

Saffron adalah sejenis tumbuhan kecil dari keluarga Iridacea. Ia diperoleh daripada stigma kering daripada bunga spesies crocus sativus. Terdapat hanya tiga stigma pada sekuntum bunga. Untuk mendapatkannya, bunga saffron perlu dituai dengan menggunakan tangan, maka sebab itulah ia amat berharga dan mahal. Bagi mendapatkan satu auns filamen saffron, sebanyak 75,000 bunga diperlukan bagi menghasilkannya.

Tumbuhan ini dipercayai berasal dari Asia Barat dan paling banyak ditemui di Parsi. Spesies crocus pula banyak ditanam di zaman Eropah silam. Dikatakan orang Monggol telah menbawa dari Parsi ke India. 

Herba saffron juga telah disebut dan dicatatkan di dalam perubatan Ayurveda sejak ribuan tahun dahulu. Dikenali juga sebagai kumkum atau kuma-kuma, lebih daripada 20 ubat-ubatan Ayurveda memiliki bahan saffron di dalamnya.

Kandungan utama yang terdapat di dalam saffron adalah minyak asas. Beberapa terpene aldehyd juga telah ditemui termasuklah terpene (pinene, cineol). Rasa pahit yang terkandung dalam saffron pula adalah daripada picrocrocin.

Manakala warnanya yang kuat adalah disebabkan oleh karotenoid yang terkandung di dalamnya. Herba ini juga dikatakan tinggi dengan kandungan thiamine dan juga riboflavin. Disebabkan kerana bau dan kuasa pewarnanya yang sangat kuat, maka hanya sedikit sahaja diperlukan untuk tujuan tertentu. Selalunya saffron digunakan untuk warna kuning-kemerahannya yang terang dan juga kerana bau dan rasanya yang pekat dan kuat.

nasi saffron

Saffron sememangnya ramuan istimewa kerana dikatakan mampu memberi warna dan rasa pada makanan. Di India, ia banyak digunakan dalam nasi, minuman dan pencuci mulut. Di Jepun, ia digunakan bagi menambahkan kelazatan ikan mentah yang dimakan.

Di Sweden terdapat hidangan menyambut tetamu dengan menghidangkan kek saffron. Begitu juga di Spanyol, sejenis masakan yang menggunakan bahan ini sangat terkenal di seluruh dunia. Biasanya pelawat atau pelancong yang datang ke Sepanyol tidak akan meninggalkan negara tersebut sebelum menjamah 'Spanish cuisine' tersebut.

Awet muda

Untuk tujuan perubatan, khasiat saffron memang tidak dapat dipertikaikan lagi. Semenjak beribu tahun dahulu, herba mahal ini telah digunakan oleh pengamal perubatan herba sebagai ramuan ubatan dalam merawat penyakit.

Saffron dikatakan amat berguna sebagai ubat sakit perut dan antipasmodik dan ia dikatakan mampu membantu pencernaan dan meningkatkan selera makan. Selain itu, herba ini juga dikatakan mampu melegakan kolik (kembung disebabkan angin) dan melegakan tekanan.

Saffron didakwa mampu diambil oleh wanita yang mengalami masalah haid yang tidak menentu serta mereka yang mahu hamil. Selain itu, ia juga dikatakan mampu menambahkan tenaga zahir dan batin.

Pada zaman silam, penggunaan saffron hanya terhad kepada wanita golongan diRaja dan kalangan bangsawan serta saudagar sahaja. Namun pada masa kini, semua golongan boleh menggunakannya. Malah bagi mereka yang mempunyai wang, boleh menggunakan alat solek mahupun produk kecantikan yang menggunakan saffron sebagai salah satu bahan ramuannya. Selain kemampuannya untuk merawat jerawat atau penyakit kulit dengan berkesan, penggunaan saffron juga boleh mengekalkan awet muda.

Khasiat lain saffron adalah untuk merangsang minda dan pertumbuhan sel-sel otak manusia. Ia juga dikatakan amat sesuai diberikan kepada bayi dan kanak-kanak kerana mampu merangsang pertumbuhan akal dan fizikal mereka. Bagi mendapatkan khasiat ini, dikatakan saffron amat sesuai dimakan bersama madu asli.

Saffron juga dikatakan mampu melegakan kelesuan dan keletihan kerana ia mampu menguatkan jantung dan juga sistem saraf. Ia turut boleh dimasukkan ke dalam susu dan dijadikan minuman untuk mereka yang mengalami masalah kardiak ringan.

Walaupun terdapat pelbagai kegunaan dan khasiat saffron, namun begitu penggunaannya perlulah mendapat nasihat pengamal perubatan bagi mengelakkan kemudaratan di kemudian hari.



Part 1 -

Morning, all in a hurry to work. Many pekintsy have individual vehicles, so do not have to push in the subway. Incidentally, in Moscow metro people much more than in Beijing


Every day throughout the city hundreds of flag is hoisted at sunrise and down at sunset

Commerce and advertising to flourish. Unfortunately, the language barrier did not allow me to recognize the achievements of capitalism under the leadership of the Communist Party



Here are selling the fruits of hawthorn. From it makes the most popular outdoor winter delicacy - tanhulu. This fruit glazed with sugar on a stick

And here are looking after the order, prudence and ideological reliability


In the first part I wrote about a place where every Chinese should be photographed at least once in their lives. Today 2 more photographs of the Tiananmen Square


This is a typical street with typical houses and moving objects in a typical trajectories


A tea shop in the outskirts of the workers

Shop with smelly sticks close to the Buddhist temple






Shop at the entrance


A very special shot. Firstly, he has received from the camera 5555, and therefore doomed to be comprehensive, because in Chinese philosophy, the number 5 symbolizes the unity of the elements - water, fire, earth, metal and wood. And, secondly, here embodied by a serious office rental bike, which serves even foreigners

If lazy to pedal itself - it is necessary to hire a trishaw. It is best to immediately before the airport


Chinese dominoes. It is a colorful and complicated rules out there, so when the Russian merchants stole the technology game, then all at once simplified and adapted it for the serfs

May 4, 1919 Beijing students started a demonstration against the decision of the Versailles Treaty after World War II, decided not to return to China captured Japanese territory. All this continued in the mass protests. So ripened on the Chinese soil the ideas of Marxism-Leninism

