Sunday, August 24, 2014
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Plan For Retirement
You’re not fussy: you don’t have lavish dreams of spending your golden years figuring out with the Tower of Pisa leans or if you can get gaseous from drinking champagne on a moving yacht. You’d be perfectly happy crocheting or watching Astro in a small but comfortable home in Seremban (or whichever sleepy town you choose to escape the bustle of your-once City life).
Because of this, you think – hey, I am covered. I’ve got a tidy EPF sum which should be enough for yarn and the occasional mamak outing. But is it?
The question we’d like to pose here is this: is it viable to depend only on one’s EPF (Employees Provident Fund) to tide you through till the “day of reckoning”?
Is It Possible to Go On?
Unlike Celine Dion’s heart; you probably can’t go on without the necessary monetary sustenance. So you really do need to ask yourself some pertinent questions about your retirement savings. Let’s take a look at some factual snippets to determine if your retirement is going to be more like Jack or Rose (He really should have found himself a door when he had the chance):
- According to the 2013 annual report of EPF, it shows that the average savings for active members by the time they hit the age of 54 stood at RM166,650.
- The average savings for inactive members in their EPF accounts is RM26,250.
- The average savings for inactive members in their EPF accounts is RM26,250.
Without a second thought, the amount doesn’t look very appealing for the golden years, does it? It certainly isn’t enough, according to the CEO of the Private Pension Administrator Malaysia (PPA), Datuk Steve Ong. He was quoted as saying that if an individual’s lifestyle and expenses amount to RM5,000 a month, then that will be RM60,000 a year. The simple math is enough to scare anyone! And this hasn’t begun to factor inflation.
So How “Golden” is it After Retirement?
Did you know that about one third of Malaysian retirees (33%) have reported that their expenditures either stay the same or increase upon retiring? This could be why there is a growing preference of a semi-retired status, with close to half (about 54%) of non-retirees having planned for semi-retirement. This is much higher than the global average of 42%!
Datuk Steve Ong has a rule of thumb for all those who are already worried by this time about saving for the golden years. On would need at least two-thirds of their last drawn pay in order to continue with the current standard of living. He went on to say that at least “one-third of a person’s salary should be put away now, in order to achieve two-thirds post retirement”.
If you’re worried that just a simple savings plan isn’t going to be enough to help you meet the shortfall and you’re absolutely hopeless at buying investment products; the PRS (Private Retirement Scheme) might be your answer. It’s different from the EPF in a few key ways; contribution is voluntary for those aged 18 and above, there is no guaranteed return as opposed to the EPF’s minimum dividend of 2.5% and the PRS is managed by private financial intermediaries. However, it is an additional and complementary avenue to save, providing added security for contributors’ retirement years.
On a final note, 85% of retirees in Malaysia regret not saving more for their later years, according to “The Future of Retirement: Life After Work”, a report by HSBC. Would you really like to be a part of that statistic, or would you rather start following that rule of thumb, and save now in order to live out the rest of your life in blissful peace? After all, those years are not called “golden” for nothing.
Jin merasuk manusia
Salah seorang imam Masjid Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Shah Alam, Selangor, Ustaz Ahmad Dasuki Abd Rani berkata, dalam setiap tubuh manusia ada jin dan makhluk halus itu sentiasa berusaha mempengaruhi kita mengikut telunjuk mereka.
Pendakwah bebas lulusan Universiti Al-Azhar itu berkata, ramai manusia tidak menyedari tindak-tanduk mereka sentiasa menjadi perhatian jin.
Jin sebenarnya suka memikat manusia, terutama wanita yang suka bersolek dan gemar berpakaian mendedah aurat,” katanya ketika membentangkan kertas kerja berkaitan peranan jin di Masjid Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya, baru-baru ini.
Menurut Ustaz Dasuki lagi, jin tidak akan datang mengacau seseorang itu melainkan ia sudah terpikat.
“Bila sudah berkenan, jin akan berusaha memasuki tubuh orang yang dia suka dan terus bersarang di dalamnya,? tambahnya.
Lazimnya, kata beliau, jin memilih manusia yang lemah semangat dan tidak mempunyai pendinding diri untuk dipikat.
“Manusia yang sudah lupa Allah dan menjauhi Al Quran tidak lagi mempunyai pendinding diri dan sebab itu mudah dipengaruhi jin,” tambahnya.
Manurut Ustaz Dasuki lagi, jin menyusup masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia dengan berbagai cara, antaranya diminta manusia sendiri sama ada sedar atau tidak. Lebih malang lagi, katanya, manusia sendiri menggunakan khidmat jin sebagai khadamnya untuk melakukan pengkhianatan kepada orang lain.
Ustaz Dasuki menyatakan 18 sebab jin merasuk manusia, iaitu:
1. Apabila manusia meringankan solat dan tidak mentaati perintah Allah.
2. Terdapat alat muzik atau alat melalaikan didalam rumah
3. Meninggikan suara dalam bilik air
4. Menangis dan merintih sebelum tidur
5. Membuang air panas ke dalam bilik air
6. Melompat tinggi tanpa membaca Bismillah
7. Memasuki tempat gelap yang ditinggalkan
8. Perasaan terlalu takut dan terlampau gembira, seperti ketawa berlebihan
9. Selalu bertengkar suami isteri
10. Terlampau marah
11. Mengikut hawa nafsu
12. Terdapat gambar lukisan manusia dan anjing di dalam rumah
13. Terdapat lambang salib pada lantai, sejadah atau langsir
14. Menghadiri majlis yang melekakan tanpa menyebut kalimah Allah
15. Perempuan suka bersolek
16. Berlaku sihir perjanjian di antara jin dan tukang sihir
17. Jin jatuh cinta pada manusia
18. Suka membaca buku cerita hantu dan buku berunsur sihir.
Beliau juga memberikan beberapa tanda manusia dirasuk jin, antaranya sukar tidur malam, hati berdebar-debar terutama pada waktu senja atau perasaan resah tidak menentu. Mimpi berulang mengenai perkara yang menakutkan seperti melihat anjing hitam, kucing, ular, manusia pelik, dibawa ke kubur atau diusung ke tempat mengerikan juga dikaitkan dengan gangguan jin.
Selesema berpanjangan juga dikaitkan dengan gangguan makhluk halus selain malas berzikir dan solat, katanya. Selain itu, manusia dirasuk jin merasa sakit pada sesetengah anggotanya tapi sukar dikesan oleh doktor.
Lain lain tanda ialah pening berpanjangan terutama pada waktu senja, otak lemah, tidak sedar diri serta telinga berdesing atau mendengar kata-kata suruhan tertentu
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