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Thursday, October 16, 2014

What Rusia Pope Said about Islam


Ia mngatakan masa depan Rusia akan mnjadi milik pemeluk islam yg berbicara di hadapan ratusan jemaatnya

“kalian lihat..ketika umat islam merayakan hari besar keagamaannya tidak satu pun orang yg berani melewati mereka karna di seluruh dunia di masjid-masjid dan jalan-jalan kota di padati jutaan ribu umat islam yg sedang bersujud kepada Tuhannya..”

“saksikanlah..barisan juta umat manusia yg beribadah dgn sangat teratur dan mngikuti shaf mereka masing-masing dan hal itu tidak perlu di ajarkan..mereka berbaris dgn tertib tanpa harus di perintah..”

“lalu dimana kalian..melihat pemeluk kristen seluruh dunia bisa beribadah bersama dan hal itu tidak ada dalam kristen..kalian tidak akan pernah melihatnya..”

Ujar Imam besar katolik ortodok di depan ratusan ribu jemaatnya seperti di kutip dari The World Buletin News-Rusia

“Lihatlah mereka..orang muslim kerap mmbantu dgn sukarela tanpa brharap imbalan tapi pemeluk kristen malah sebaliknya..”

“kalian tanyakan pada wanita tua itu (sambil menunjuk wanita yg lumpuh yg berada di gerejanya) menurut wanita tua itu seorang pengemudi muslim sering mnyediakan jasa transportasinya utk mngantarnya ke gereja di mokswa..”

“dan tiap wanita tua itu ingin mmberinya upah tapi pengemudi muslim selalu menolaknya dgn alasan bahwa islam melarang mngambil upah pada wanita lansia, jompo, dhuafa dan anak-anak yatim di berbagai panti dan yayasan..”

“dengarkanlah persaksiannya..padahal wanita tua itu bukan ibu atau kerabatnya tapi pengemudi muslim mngatakan dalam islam wajib mnghormati orang yg lebih tua apalagi orang tua yg lemah dan tak berdaya trsebut..”

“Keikhlasan pribadi pengemudi muslim trsebut tidak ada di temukan dalam pemeluk kristen yg mngajarkan kasih..tapi pengemudi kristen bisa tanpa belas kasih meminta upah atas jasa transportasinya pada wanita tua itu..dia mngatakan layak mndapat upah karna itu adalah profesinya sebagai jasa transportasinya..”

“seorang muslim justru lebih dekat dgn sang mesiah tapi orang kristen hanya ingin uang..apakah kalian tidak merasakan..?”

“bagaimana dalam prosesi penebusan dosa siapa aja harus mmbayar pada pendetamu entah itu miskin atau manula wajib memaharkannya sebagai ritual pengampunan dosa..”

Ratusan jemaat yg mngikuti misa imam besarnya hanya terdiam dan merenung

“saksikan juga..seorang muslim tidak tertarik utk mngambil upah pada orang-orang lansia..mereka begitu ikhlas dgn sukarela mmbawakan barang-barang serta belanjaan wanita tua itu..sampai sang wanita tua itu hendak berdoa ke gereja sang pengemudi muslim setia antar jemput wanita tua itu..”

“inilah kenapa saya mngatakan masa depan Rusia akan mnjadi mayoritas pemeluk Islam dan negri ini akan mnjadi milik islam..kalian lihat pribadi yg brbudi luhur dan santun mampu mmbuat dunia tercengang ternyata akhlak muslim lebih mulia daripada jemaat kristen..”

“Kalian mndengar bahwa islam di tuduhkan sebagai agama teroris tapi itu hanya isu belaka yg pada kenyataannya umat islam lebih mngedepankan tata krama serta kesopanan..”

“walau mereka di fitnah sebagai teroris tapi populasi jumlah mualaf di Eropa dan Rusia makin ramai berdatangan ke tempat ibadah orang muslim utk memeluk islam..karna para mualaf tahu betul bahwa islam tidak sekejam yg dunia tuduhkan..”

“sekarang dan selamanya di masa depan Rusia akan milik umat islam..di masa depan adalah kembalinya kejayaan islam..lihat populasi muslim di Rusia telah brjumlah 23 juta dan pemeluk kristen mngalami penurunan mnjadi 18 juta lalu sisa yg lainnya masih tetap komunis..”

“ini sebuah fakta bahwa islam sekarang mnjadi agama trbesar di Rusia..di utara bekas pecahan negara uni soviet mayoritas muslim yaitu republik Chechnya, Tarjikistan, kajakhstan, uzbeckistan dan dagestan..lalu umat islam telah mnjamah di kota-kota besar Rusia termasuk moskwa”

Ia mengakhiri khutbahnya dan turun ke mimbarnya dgn mata yg berair serta para jemaatnya masih trpaku dan haru..tidak mnyangka seorang imam besar katolik bisa mngagungkan orang muslim..sebagian jemaat ada yg menangis melihat cara ajaran islam ternyata berbudi luhur dan tidak layak di sebut Teroris..

Dari kiriman ustadz abu saad

Utk yg mau nonton langsung video nya:
Watch “Russian priest praises Muslims قس روسي يشيد باخلا…” on YouTube – Russian priest praises Muslims قس روسي يشيد باخلا…:
Dakwah islam dimenangkan allah melalui akhlaq mulia, amal shalih dan komitmen pemeluknya terhadap ajaran Islam (seperti menjaga shalat berjamaah). Bukan dengan hinaan, menebarkan teror dan ancaman. Semoga menjadi pelajaran untuk kita semua (khusus nya saya pribadi)

Jom Bawal Bekal

Sunday, August 24, 2014

No cellphone at petrol kiosk

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Plan For Retirement

You’re not fussy: you don’t have lavish dreams of spending your golden years figuring out with the Tower of Pisa leans or if you can get gaseous from drinking champagne on a moving yacht. You’d be perfectly happy crocheting or watching Astro in a small but comfortable home in Seremban (or whichever sleepy town you choose to escape the bustle of your-once City life).
Because of this, you think – hey, I am covered. I’ve got a tidy EPF sum which should be enough for yarn and the occasional mamak outing. But is it?
The question we’d like to pose here is this: is it viable to depend only on one’s EPF (Employees Provident Fund) to tide you through till the “day of reckoning”?

Is It Possible to Go On?

Unlike Celine Dion’s heart; you probably can’t go on without the necessary monetary sustenance. So you really do need to ask yourself some pertinent questions about your retirement savings. Let’s take a look at some factual snippets to determine if your retirement is going to be more like Jack or Rose (He really should have found himself a door when he had the chance):
- According to the 2013 annual report of EPF, it shows that the average savings for active members by the time they hit the age of 54 stood at RM166,650.
- The average savings for inactive members in their EPF accounts is RM26,250.
Without a second thought, the amount doesn’t look very appealing for the golden years, does it? It certainly isn’t enough, according to the CEO of the Private Pension Administrator Malaysia (PPA), Datuk Steve Ong. He was quoted as saying that if an individual’s lifestyle and expenses amount to RM5,000 a month, then that will be RM60,000 a year. The simple math is enough to scare anyone! And this hasn’t begun to factor inflation.

So How “Golden” is it After Retirement?

Did you know that about one third of Malaysian retirees (33%) have reported that their expenditures either stay the same or increase upon retiring? This could be why there is a growing preference of a semi-retired status, with close to half (about 54%) of non-retirees having planned for semi-retirement. This is much higher than the global average of 42%!
Datuk Steve Ong has a rule of thumb for all those who are already worried by this time about saving for the golden years. On would need at least two-thirds of their last drawn pay in order to continue with the current standard of living. He went on to say that at least “one-third of a person’s salary should be put away now, in order to achieve two-thirds post retirement”.
If you’re worried that just a simple savings plan isn’t going to be enough to help you meet the shortfall and you’re absolutely hopeless at buying investment products; the PRS (Private Retirement Scheme) might be your answer. It’s different from the EPF in a few key ways; contribution is voluntary for those aged 18 and above, there is no guaranteed return as opposed to the EPF’s minimum dividend of 2.5% and the PRS is managed by private financial intermediaries. However, it is an additional and complementary avenue to save, providing added security for contributors’ retirement years.
On a final note, 85% of retirees in Malaysia regret not saving more for their later years, according to “The Future of Retirement: Life After Work”, a report by HSBC. Would you really like to be a part of that statistic, or would you rather start following that rule of thumb, and save now in order to live out the rest of your life in blissful peace? After all, those years are not called “golden” for nothing.

Jin merasuk manusia

Salah seorang imam Masjid Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Shah Alam, Selangor, Ustaz Ahmad Dasuki Abd Rani berkata, dalam setiap tubuh manusia ada jin dan makhluk halus itu sentiasa berusaha mempengaruhi kita mengikut telunjuk mereka.

Pendakwah bebas lulusan Universiti Al-Azhar itu berkata, ramai manusia tidak menyedari tindak-tanduk mereka sentiasa menjadi perhatian jin.

Jin sebenarnya suka memikat manusia, terutama wanita yang suka bersolek dan gemar berpakaian mendedah aurat,” katanya ketika membentangkan kertas kerja berkaitan peranan jin di Masjid Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya, baru-baru ini.

Menurut Ustaz Dasuki lagi, jin tidak akan datang mengacau seseorang itu melainkan ia sudah terpikat.

“Bila sudah berkenan, jin akan berusaha memasuki tubuh orang yang dia suka dan terus bersarang di dalamnya,? tambahnya.

Lazimnya, kata beliau, jin memilih manusia yang lemah semangat dan tidak mempunyai pendinding diri untuk dipikat.

“Manusia yang sudah lupa Allah dan menjauhi Al Quran tidak lagi mempunyai pendinding diri dan sebab itu mudah dipengaruhi jin,” tambahnya.

Manurut Ustaz Dasuki lagi, jin menyusup masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia dengan berbagai cara, antaranya diminta manusia sendiri sama ada sedar atau tidak. Lebih malang lagi, katanya, manusia sendiri menggunakan khidmat jin sebagai khadamnya untuk melakukan pengkhianatan kepada orang lain.

Ustaz Dasuki menyatakan 18 sebab jin merasuk manusia, iaitu:

1. Apabila manusia meringankan solat dan tidak mentaati perintah Allah.
2. Terdapat alat muzik atau alat melalaikan didalam rumah
3. Meninggikan suara dalam bilik air
4. Menangis dan merintih sebelum tidur
5. Membuang air panas ke dalam bilik air
6. Melompat tinggi tanpa membaca Bismillah
7. Memasuki tempat gelap yang ditinggalkan
8. Perasaan terlalu takut dan terlampau gembira, seperti ketawa berlebihan
9. Selalu bertengkar suami isteri
10. Terlampau marah
11. Mengikut hawa nafsu
12. Terdapat gambar lukisan manusia dan anjing di dalam rumah
13. Terdapat lambang salib pada lantai, sejadah atau langsir
14. Menghadiri majlis yang melekakan tanpa menyebut kalimah Allah
15. Perempuan suka bersolek
16. Berlaku sihir perjanjian di antara jin dan tukang sihir
17. Jin jatuh cinta pada manusia
18. Suka membaca buku cerita hantu dan buku berunsur sihir.

Beliau juga memberikan beberapa tanda manusia dirasuk jin, antaranya sukar tidur malam, hati berdebar-debar terutama pada waktu senja atau perasaan resah tidak menentu. Mimpi berulang mengenai perkara yang menakutkan seperti melihat anjing hitam, kucing, ular, manusia pelik, dibawa ke kubur atau diusung ke tempat mengerikan juga dikaitkan dengan gangguan jin.

Selesema berpanjangan juga dikaitkan dengan gangguan makhluk halus selain malas berzikir dan solat, katanya. Selain itu, manusia dirasuk jin merasa sakit pada sesetengah anggotanya tapi sukar dikesan oleh doktor.

Lain lain tanda ialah pening berpanjangan terutama pada waktu senja, otak lemah, tidak sedar diri serta telinga berdesing atau mendengar kata-kata suruhan tertentu
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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Malaysia Airlines releases full passenger manifest for flight MH17

Malaysia Airlines releases full passenger manifest for flight MH17

Malaysia Airlines has today released the full passenger manifest of flight MH17 (see list below).
The breakdown of nationalities is as follows: Holland (192), Malaysia (29, plus 15 crew), Australia (27), Indonesia (12), United Kingdom (10), Germany (4), Belgium (4), Philippines, Canada and New Zealand (1 each).
The airline had last night released the cargo manifest and airway bill for flight MH17.
It is understood that pet animals and birds were also among the casualties when the flight was hit by a surface-to-air missile on Thursday night.
This is the second major tragedy to befall a Malaysia Airlines flight in the past four months, following the mysterious disappearance of flight MH370.
On March 8, flight MH370 departed from KLIA bound for Beijing with 12 crew members and 227 passengers on board.
Despite the massive land and air search from the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean, there has been no sign of the aircraft.
Both the tragedies befalling MH17 and MH370 have resulted in a loss of 537 lives in total. – July 19, 2014.
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In Gaza, whatever the target, children often the victims

In Gaza, whatever the target, children often the victims

Palestinian boys look at the bodies of two Palestinian boys, who medics said were killed in an Israeli tank shell. The spiraling number of children killed in the latest conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas in Gaza has raised international concern. – Reuters pic, July 19, 2014.Palestinian boys look at the bodies of two Palestinian boys, who medics said were killed in an Israeli tank shell. The spiraling number of children killed in the latest conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas in Gaza has raised international concern. – Reuters pic, July 19, 2014.Ten-year-old Afnan Shuheiber was playing on a Gaza City rooftop with her cousins when she became one of at least 73 children killed by Israeli fire in the Gaza Strip.
The spiraling number of children killed in the latest conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas in Gaza has raised international concern.
Today, a group of international and Palestinian rights groups and aid agencies urged an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, noting the high number of children killed.
"So far, more children have been killed by Israeli fire than Palestinian militants," said a statement from the groups, including War Child and Defence for Children International.
The UN children's agency, UNICEF, said children made up one third of civilian casualties in the conflict so far.
"From July 8, until 4:00AM on July 19, at least 73 Palestinian children have been reported killed as a result of airstrikes and shelling Israel aerial, naval and ground forces," UNICEF's Catherine Weibel told AFP.
She said the children included 53 boys and 20 girls under the age of 18 years old.
"The youngest was reportedly three months old," she said.
More than half of the children killed are under the age of 12.
Afnan, known as Fulla by her family, was among them, killed on Thursday afternoon along with her cousins, Jihad and Wissam, in Gaza City's Sabra district.
Neighbours said the children were taking advantage of the relative lull in the violence that afternoon, going to the roof to relax after days of being cooped up at home.
At the Shifa hospital, the cousins were lined up side-by-side in front of relatives overwhelmed by grief.
Seven-year-old Wissam's eyes were still open – he looked to be staring into the distance.
Their deaths came after those of another four children, killed as they played on the beach in Gaza City in strikes witnessed by journalists staying at a beachfront hotel.
Ahed Atef Bakr, aged 10, Zakaria Ahed Bakr, also 10, Mohamed Ramez Bakr, nine, and Ismail Mohamed Bakr, 11, were also cousins.
Relatives said they too had sought to escape the stifling confines of their homes in Shati refugee camp.
Two strikes hit the areas where they were playing.
The first scattered the crowd of adults and children who were next to a gathering of straw beach huts.
A second followed as they ran along the sand in fear.
The Israeli army later said that a preliminary investigation showed the children were the "tragic" victims of a strike targeting "Hamas terrorist operatives."
A senior army official said today that the military was "sorry" about the deaths of women and children.
"When you fight there are mistakes," he said.
Weibel said the number of children among the dead in Gaza was of "deep concern" to UNICEF.
"Children should be protected from the violence, and they should not be the victims of a conflict for which they have no responsibility," she told AFP.
She also raised concerns about the long-term effects of the violence on Gaza's children, many of whom are now living through their third war in less than six years.
Israel and Hamas fought similar conflicts in Gaza in both 2012 and over the New Year in 2009.
"You have children who are going to be scarred for life because of what they are seeing," said Weibel.
Even before the war, some 60,000 children in Gaza were in need of psychosocial support, she said, and the number is expected to soar after this conflict.
The potential for such problems is evident every day in Gaza – wide-eyed children seeing their relatives and friends buried after shelling.
One boy among the crowd hit by Israeli fire on the beach escaped unhurt, but was hysterical and inconsolable.
"They're dead, they're dead," he cried over and over. – AFP, July 19, 2014.
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Friday, July 18, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17: Plane with 298 on board shot down in Ukraine

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17: Plane with 298 on board shot down in Ukraine


Australia says “Russian-backed rebels” downed Malaysian plane in Ukraine

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said today it appeared that "Russian-backed rebels" were behind the shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jetliner over eastern Ukraine that killed all 298 people on board.
Ukraine's state security chief has accused Russian military intelligence officers of involvement with pro-Russian rebels in the downing of the airliner yesterday, but Western leaders have until now been less quick to assign blame.
Abbott blamed anti-Kiev separatists for shooting down the plane during a sombre speech before parliament in which he confirmed that 27 Australian citizens had died in the crash.

"This is a grim day for our country and it's a grim day for our world. Malaysian airlines MH17 has been shot down over the eastern Ukraine, it seems by Russian-backed rebels," he said. – Reuters, July 18, 2014.
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Seorang lelaki cuba memadamkan api di mana MH17 hempas di Grabovo, berdekatan Donetsk, Ukraine. Pesawat itu ditembak oleh militan pro-Rusia, meragut 295 nyawa, lapor Kementerian Dalam Negeri Ukraine. – Gambar Reuters, 18 Julai, 2014.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Looks like photoshop

I Found These 23 Photos Unreal, Thinking It Was Photoshopped.. But I’m Dead Wrong! These Are True And It’s Really Hard To Believe!

 22.7K  11 Google +17

You have to believe the photos you’re about to see because from natural phenomenons to perfectly timed photographs, these are TRUE!
1. Mirror photoshop trick? No.
They’re just soldiers marching in unison.
2. A tornado? No.
Just a big cloud!
3. Witch’s house, maybe? No.
It’s a real house. It’s just painted in black!

5. A plastic fish? No.
It’s the biggest goldfish ever
6. Tricking you? No.
Just in Eli Roth’s Goretorium haunted house to haunt you!

Just perfect timing!
8. A ghost? No.

Just makeup.
9. Some atomic bomb? No.
Just a photo of a cloud taken by a National Geographic photographer.
10. It’s not what you think.
It’s the “Magic tap” at a Santa Maria water park.
11. Glued on the photo? No.
Just the daredevil Dean Potter walking on a tightrope
12. Really built like this? No.
These train tracks in New Zealand were straight and then this happened after an earthquake

13. Dreaming? No.
A man-made funnel that drains during floods.
14. Flying buildings? No.
It’s the Dubai skyline reaching the clouds.
15. Siddharta Gautama? No.

Just a 3D image (looks like Buddha) on a tree by the photographer Clement Briend.
16. A cross made in purpose? No.
Just a pole that caught on fire.
17. Kind of flowing? No.
Just a drape over a construction site.
18. Headless hockey player? No.
The helmet was took off. Perfect shot.
19. Wrongly landed? No.
This is a resort on the east coast of South Korea!
20. In different photo effect? No.

Makeup and hair dye will do wonders!
21. Painted body? No.
Just a hybrid of a pony and a zebra!
22. Photoshop? No.
This was taken by the French photographer Philippe Ramette.
23. Unreal? No.
It’s a scuba diving tank in a Dubai hotel

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was spotted at Redhill hawker centre, queueing for 30 minutes to buy fried chicken.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was spotted at Redhill hawker centre, queueing for 30 minutes to buy fried chicken.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Turkish mine disaster


Turkish mine disaster town under lockdown as death toll rises to 301

May 18, 2014
Protesters run away from water cannons fired by police during a demonstration to blame the ruling AK Party (AKP) government for the mining disaster in western Turkey, in Istanbul yesterday. – Reuters pic, May 18, 2014. Protesters run away from water cannons fired by police during a demonstration to blame the ruling AK Party (AKP) government for the mining disaster in western Turkey, in Istanbul yesterday. – Reuters pic, May 18, 2014. Turkish police put the mining town of Soma on virtual lockdown yesterday, setting up checkpoints and detaining dozens of people to enforce a ban on protests as rescue efforts following the country's worst industrial disaster ended.
The last two bodies of workers thought still to have been left in the mine were carried out four days after a fire sent deadly carbon monoxide through it.
That brought the death toll to 301, Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said.
Hundreds of riot police patrolled the streets while others checked identity cards at three checkpoints on the approach road to Soma, a Reuters witness said.
The local governor banned protests in response to clashes a day earlier between police and several thousand demonstrators.
Eight lawyers from the Contemporary Jurists Association, including its leader, were handcuffed and detained during the lockdown on suspicion that they had gone to the town to take part in more protests, the private Dogan news agency reported.
A total of 36 people were arrested and taken to a sports centre in the town where they chanted: "the pressure cannot intimidate us", the agency said.
The number of detentions could not immediately be confirmed.
Tuesday's disaster has triggered protests across Turkey, aimed at mine owners accused of ignoring safety for profit, and at Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's government, seen as too close to industry bosses and insensitive in its response.
Erdogan has presided over a decade of rapid economic growth, but worker safety standards have failed to keep pace, leaving Turkey with one of the world's worst industrial accident records.
The plant manager denied any negligence at the mine which was inspected by state officials every six months.
Demonstrators clashed with police in the western port city of Izmir overnight, some setting up makeshift barricades and throwing stones and fireworks aimed at the police, Hurriyet newspaper reported. Some 40 people were detained.
There were also protests in Istanbul.
Some residents in the city banged pots and pans from their windows, an act which was a feature of last summer's nationwide anti-government unrest.
Anger at Erdogan
The police intervention in Soma could add to public anger towards Erdogan.
He has survived mass demonstrations and a corruption probe into his government over the past year to remain Turkey's dominant politician, but now risks alienating conservative, working-class voters that form his party's base.
There was wide media coverage of footage apparently showing Erdogan slapping a man as locals jeered his entourage when he visited Soma this week.
The man, Taner Kurucan, said Erdogan had slapped him and told Kanal D TV he was then beaten by the prime minister's bodyguards.
His adviser Yalcin Akdogan accused "gang members" of provoking Erdogan's team as he went to meet mourning families.
Anger was intensified by a photograph of an Erdogan aide kicking a protester held down by police special forces.
A group of students at the Istanbul Technical University occupied the mining faculty on Friday evening in protest at links between the university and the company which operates the mine - Soma Holding, the private Dogan news agency reported.
They said they would continue their protest until various demands were met, including a guarantee that the university's links with the company were cut and the resignation of an academic there who said those who die from carbon monoxide poisoning "died sweetly". He has apologised for his comment.
A university official said it had ended its ties with the owners of Soma Holding, meeting one of the students demands, Dogan reported.
The mining company managers held a fractious news conference on Friday where they said an unexplained build-up of heat was thought to have led part of the mine to collapse, fanning a blaze which spread rapidly more than 2 km under the surface.
Erdogan's opponents blame the government for privatising leases at previously state-controlled mines, turning them over to politically connected businessmen who they say may have skimped on safety to maximise profit.
Questioned on links between Soma Holding executives and Erdogan's ruling AK Party, a mine executive confirmed his wife was a local AK Party politician.
Company chairman Alp Gurkan said he had never met the prime minister before this week.
The AK Party said the formerly state-run mine at Soma, 480 km southwest of Istanbul, had been inspected 11 times over the past five years.
It denied any suggestion of loopholes in mining safety regulations. – AFP, May 18, 2014.

Kekal Cermin Gelap

JPJ tidak rancang kaji peraturan cermin gelap

KUCHING 17 Mei - Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) tidak merancang untuk mengkaji Kaedah-Kaedah Kenderaan Motor (Larangan Mengenai Jenis Kaca Tertentu) 1991 yang menetapkan tahap cermin gelap yang dibenarkan.
Timbalan Ketua Pengarahnya, Datuk Ariffin Che Mat berkata, setakat ini tidak ada keperluan untuk mengkaji peraturan itu yang ditetapkan bagi memastikan keselamatan pengguna di jalan raya.
Beliau berkata, pihak­nya konsisten dalam me­nguatkuasakan undang-undang dengan hanya mem­benarkan mereka men­dapat pengecualian di bawah kaedah-kaedah kenderaan motor (Larangan Mengenai Jenis Kaca Tertentu) 1991.
“Pihak JPJ hanya mem­benarkan dua keadaan iaitu atas masalah kesihatan se­telah mendapat pengesahan doktor pakar awam dan keselamatan yang disahkan polis.
“Cermin gelap ada beberapa isu contohnya takut disalah guna nanti oleh penjenayah-penjenayah yang menyukarkan untuk dikenal pasti," katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika mengulas laporan sebuah akhbar mengenai peraturan cermin gelap yang dilihat sudah lapuk semasa sidang akhbar selepas merasmikan Penutup Program 1 Komuniti 1 JPJ (SKSJ) Bahagian Kuching di Dewan Masyarakat, Kampung Muara Tebas di sini hari ini.

Kuala Lumpur: Wanita yang ditemui di atas jejantas berhampiran Bangunan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) kerana menunaikan solat dan membaca al-Quran memberi alasan berbuat demikian selepas mendapat alamat melalui mimpi.
Ketua Polis Daerah Dang Wangi, Asisten Komisioner Zainuddin Ahmad, berkata kejadian selepas pihaknya menerima maklumat dari orang awam, pada 1.30 petang Sabtu.Anggota polis yang melakukan penugasan am bergegas ke lokasi kejadian kerana bimbang wanita itu akan dilanggar kenderaan sebelum membawanya ke Balai Polis Tun HS Lee.

"Dia kemudiannya dihantar ke Unit Psikiatri Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) untuk pemeriksaan kesihatan," katanya ketika dihubungi.

Katanya, wanita itu dikenali sebagai Anita Shiar, 27, warga Indonesia dan tiada sebarang dokumen pengenalan diri ditemui padanya malah maklumat juga diberikan secara lisan.

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Monday, April 14, 2014

MH370 Detected OIL slick

Oil slick detected in MH370 search area, says Aussie official

April 14, 2014
The Chinese Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) vessel Hai Xin 01 is seen from a Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) P-3K2 Orion aircraft in the southern Indian Ocean, as the search continues for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. Australian officials leading the search for a missing Malaysia Airlines plane in the southern Indian Ocean are weighing when to deploy an underwater robot to aid in the hunt. – Reuters pic, April 14, 2014.The Chinese Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) vessel Hai Xin 01 is seen from a Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) P-3K2 Orion aircraft in the southern Indian Ocean, as the search continues for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. Australian officials leading the search for a missing Malaysia Airlines plane in the southern Indian Ocean are weighing when to deploy an underwater robot to aid in the hunt. – Reuters pic, April 14, 2014.The head of the Australian agency supervising the search for a missing Malaysia Airlines plane said today that an oil slick had been detected in the search area for  flight MH370 in the Indian Ocean.
"I can report that (Australian ship) Ocean Shield detected an oil slick yesterday evening in her current search area," Angus Houston said.

He also said that the autonomous underwater vehicle would soon be deployed, moving the search underwater after nearly six weeks of fruitless searching.
Houston added that although an oil slick was located in the search area on Sunday evening, he was pessimistic about the likelihood of finding any of the floating debris.
"I stress the source of the oil is yet to be determined but the oil slick is approximately 5,500m downwind... from the vicinity of the detections picked up by the towed-pinger locator on Ocean Shield," he said.

It would be a number of days before the oil could be conclusively tested ashore, but Houston said he did not think it was from a search vessel.
"The chances of any floating material being recovered have greatly diminished and it will be appropriate to confer with Australia's partners to decide the way ahead later this week," Houston said.
Searchers are confident they know the approximate position of wreckage of the Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRO), some 1,550km northwest of Perth, and are moving ahead on the basis of four acoustic signals they believe are from its black box recorders.

"Despite the lack of further detections, the four signals previously acquired taken together constitute the most promising lead we have in the search for MH370," Houston told reporters in Perth.

"The experts have, therefore, determined that the Australian Ocean Shield will cease searching with a towed-pinger locator later today and deploy the autonomous underwater vehicle, 'Bluefin-21', as soon as possible," he said, referring to the United States navy device designed to detect the tell-tale "pings".
The US-made Bluefin-21, a 4.93m-long sonar device will now scour the seabed.

The sonar device, which weighs 750kg, can operate at a depth of up to 4,500m – roughly the depth of the ocean floor where the pings were detected.

Houston said that in the hunt for the plane's black box transmissions the last signal was logged six days ago.

"We haven't had a single detection in six days so I guess it's time to go underwater," he said.
The batteries in the plane's black box are now a week past their 30-day expected life and searchers will be relying on sonar and cameras on the Bluefiun-21 to detect the box.

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared soon after taking off on March 8 from Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board. – Agencies, April 14, 2014.