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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cara Kerja TOILET Di Pesawat

Apakah benar bahwa pada pesawat seperti pada kereta yang kotoran dari toilet langsung di keluarkan ke darat begitu saja?  Jika kita dapat melihat trek melalui lubang toilet pada kereta, mungkin tidak bekerja dengan cara yang sama di pesawat. Apakah ini berarti bahwa kotoran-kotoran dari aktivitas kehidupan kita tidak terbang begitu saja di udara ,nah.. pertama-tama ,  mari kita lihat apa yang di miliki pesawat untuk menjaga semuanya menjadi bersih dan higienis.











Month in Space: May 2011

 Saturday, 11 June, 2011,
Tornadoes in the U.S., the eruption of a volcano in Iceland and the fires that swept across the world - we suggest you look at the best photos taken by satellites of the European Space Agency and NASA in May.
Month in Space: April 2011
(19 photos)

1. Floods have left thousands homeless in Angola and Namibia during the rainy season, which began in April. Floods, finally withdrew in May, but as a result, according to experts, suffered two hundred sixty thousand people. This photograph, taken on May 13, made using a combination of infrared and red filters, so it is better traced the boundary between land and water than under natural light. Vegetation in the photograph appears bright green and the water is colored in bright blue. Thin white lines - it's coast.

2. Smoke over the burning wild forests in Northern Ireland and Scotland can be seen in this photo taken on May 2 with a scanning spectroradiometer medium-resolution satellite on NASA. Fire detection and fire hearths in the picture are marked in red.

3. With its more than fifteen million inhabitants, Istanbul is one of the most important cities of the world. In this picture, the city, a satellite at an altitude of more than 500 kilometers, you can see the airport in the west - the runways reflected radar signals from the satellite, resulting in an asphalt surface is displayed as black lines. Densely populated areas appear yellow. Populated area stretches along the Bosphorus, until the Black Sea. In the city, just a few areas of infrastructure remains undeveloped, and these areas are shown in green.

4. April 27, 2011, devastating tornadoes passed through Tuscaloosa, Alabama. After more than 1.000 people were injured and at least sixty five people were killed in several cities. This is the largest number of victims of tornadoes in the United States since 1955. Flurry, moving at a speed of 190 miles per hour (310 kilometers per hour), leaving behind only piles of garbage and ruins, going from southwest to northeast, as shown in this photo, which was made on May 2. Tornado passed through downtown, affecting both residential and industrial areas. Almost parallel to the tornado is visible contrail flew the aircraft.

5. Large chip massive iceberg (center), who broke away from a glacier in Greenland Petermann in August 2010, is located in the Labrador Sea off the east coast of Labrador, as seen in this photograph, which was made May 4, 2011. More than 1000 icebergs drift along the southern Labrador and northern Newfoundland in late May to late June, bringing the district received the nickname "Avenue of the iceberg." Ice floes (top) are visible in the southern sector of the sea. White vortices indicate drifting into smaller pieces of ice in the ocean basins.

6. Space Shuttle «Endeavour» on the launch platform 39A at Kennedy Space Center, owned by NASA, Florida, awaiting launch.

7. Tributary of the Missouri River, James River flows south through Dakota. In early May 2011, James River, as well as other rivers in the Midwest, flooded. The photograph - a river flowing through Jamesville, South Dakota, May 1, 2011. River water in this picture seems dark gray with an iridescent sheen. Although the river did not burst its banks the water level in it has increased considerably. On both sides of the river are agricultural fields, seemingly in a photo quilt of green and beige pieces. Jamesville located between Scotland and Yankton, two other cities in South Dakota, also lying on the riverbank. National Hydrological Service monitors water levels in the River James River.

8. About 9000 years ago, a settlement was founded in the hills between the fertile Jordan Valley to the west and the desert that lies east of the country. Located on the banks of the Wadi Amman and its tributaries, the settlement that flourished, then declined, but remains a permanent population until the present day. The town is built V-shaped and appears gray. To the west of the city, the area becomes more arid and hilly, gradually moving into the valley near the Jordan River. Part of the Dead Sea is visible in the south-west of Amman, and farmland in the Jordan Valley is visible in the west of the city. Less than 5% of the land of Jordan is arable, and slightly more than 1% gives a constant yield. Fresh water is scarce, and drought and desertification pose a constant threat to the region.

9. Grimsvotn, one of the most active volcanoes in Iceland, started erupting on May 22. The last time the volcano erupted in 2004.

10. Numerous lakes are diluted with a dry landscape of the Tibetan plateau. One of these lakes - Ayakum, located near the northern boundary of the plateau to the south-east of the Kunlun Mountains. While many of the small creeks and streams, resulting from melting glaciers and snow replenish the water main rivers in South-East Asia (including the Mekong and Yangtze), some fall into the salt lakes such as Lake Ayakum.

11. This photo made from NASA satellite, May 25, 2011. On it - obtained with an infrared filter, image (in center) streets and houses of the ancient city of Tanis, located in Egypt. Seventeen lost pyramids and more than 1000 tombs were found during imagery of Egypt. Researchers led by American archaeologist Sarah Parkak the University of Alabama also found more than 3000 ancient settlements in the area after studying photos taken with the help of modern techniques of infrared photography, which allowed them to clearly see the ruins of the underground cities.

12. Dust vortices off the coast of Argentina and the Atlantic Ocean 23 May 2011. Some long, thin dust vortices merge into a large veil of dust in the north-east of the city of Cape Blanco. Dust storms in Argentina at the end of May 2011 proved to be less severe than the dust storms that occurred in this region in 2009 and 2010. In early May 2011, Foreign Agricultural Service reported that Argentina had come into the fall season with a good supply of moisture.

13. May 16, 2011, black smoke spread over hundreds of kilometers over Alberta, Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories in Canada. At 10 am, the Alberta government reported 116 fires in the province, 34 of them could not be brought under control. The next day, the total number of fires dropped to 100, while the number of uncontrolled fires dropped to 22. But four new fire got out of control. Strong winds fanned the fire May 15 and 16, leaving a cloud of smoke to the north. The fires have forced some of the energy and transport companies to report on suspension of operations, reports CBC News. Several oil and gas companies have suspended drilling operations and evacuated its staff. Transportation of oil and prevents the closure of railways and pipelines. Meanwhile, fires near Lesser Slave Lake destroyed 40% of the neighboring city of 15 May, including hundreds of homes, businesses and town hall.

14. Part of the channel to clear flood water "Morganza" is visible at the top in the center of this photo. Canal was opened to reduce the level of water in the Mississippi River. Floodgates were opened for the first time in almost forty years. Torrential rains have caused overflowing of rivers and widespread floods in Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas.

15. Haze over the pool of Sichuan in China 6 May 2011. Gray haze contrasts with bright white clouds and snow on nearby mountains. Along the southwestern margin of the basin, the fog creeps into the valleys, staining them in a dull gray color. Haze is probably the result of industrial pollution.

16. River Parana is the second largest river in South America. River and its tributaries are important ways of communication for non-landlocked cities in Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil. This photo shows a pair of long section of the river 29 kilometers (18 miles) downstream from the small town of Goya, (near the top left of the image). Width of the ParanĂ¡ River is 3 miles. It is deep enough that small vessels pass through it north to the Paraguayan capital of Asuncion.

17. Volcanic field, Aurora-Bodie in Nevada. Some education lava it emerged from 100000 to fifteen million years ago.

18. Fires in southeast Georgia and eastern North Carolina were photographed by NASA's Aqua satellite on May 9. In the photo are visible smoke, moving toward the Atlantic Ocean. Fires are likely to have been caused by lightning near Stumpy Point.

19. Heavy rains, combined with the waves along the coast, increased turbidity of water in New Zealand in May. Cook Strait, a narrow strip of water separating the North and South Island of New Zealand has a reputation as one of the most troubled in the world. Islands lie in the "roaring forties" latitudes (around 40 degrees south latitude). Strong winds cause the appearance of high waves, and they destroy the coast, as shown in the photo. The waters around New Zealand, in addition, rich in nutrients, so it is likely that phytoplankton contributes to the whimsical painting individual sections of the photo.




Inilah Foto-foto Koloni Pinguin Terbesar Di Dunia Dengan Anggota 2,3 Juta Pasang

Pinguin - pinguin ini dengan tubuhnya yang tegap ,warna coklat, seperti mengenakan mantel berbulu halus yang bersama-sama berkumpul untuk mempertahankan kehangatan tubuh mereka

Photograph: Andy Rouse/Rex Features Foto: Rouse Andy / Rex Fitur

Anak Pinguin, yang berumur antara 10 sampai 13 bulan, tidak dapat mengatur suhu tubuh mereka dan orang tua merawat mereka sepanjang jam untuk tiga minggu pertama.

Foto itu diambil di garis pantai Georgia Selatan, dekat wilayah Inggris ke Falklands. Ini adalah salah satu koloni perkembangbiakan utama untuk populasi burung yang gak bisa terbang ini. dan pasangan umumnya berkembang biak dua kali setiap tiga tahun.

Penguin Raja adalah spesies terbesar kedua penguin, berat sampai £ 35.Penguin Kaisar adalah yang terbesar. Mereka makan ikan kecil - terutama lanternfish, dan menyelam untuk menangkap cumi cumi berulang kali di kedalaman lebih dari 100 meter untuk makan siang.diperkirakan ada sekitar 2.23 juta pasangan Pinguin Raja dan diperkirakan jumlahnya akan meningkat.

Selain bentuk badannya yang besar, pembeda Penguin Raja dengan spesies penguin lain ialah bulu oranye keemasan yang terdapat di telinga dan ujung dada mendekati leher, Mereka berkembang biak di tujuh kelompok-sub Kepulauan Antartika dengan populasi terbesar di Kepulauan Falkland, Kepulauan Macquarie, Kepulauan Heard, Iles Crozet, dan kepulauan Marion.


Gangguan Jantung


Penyakit jantung banyak sekali macamnya. Para penderitanya juga seringkali terkena lebih dari satu gangguan (komplikasi). Berikut adalah beberapa jenis penyakit jantung yang perlu Anda diketahui. Daftar ini hanyalah sebagian dari belasan jenis gangguan jantung lain yang dapat mengancam kita.

1. Aterosklerosis.

Aterosklerosis adalah penebalan dinding arteri sebelah dalam karena endapan plak (lemak, kolesterol dan buangan sel lainnya) sehingga menghambat dan menyumbat bekalan darah ke sel-sel otot. Aterosklerosis dapat terjadi di seluruh bagian tubuh. Bila terjadi pada dinding arteri jantung, maka disebut penyakit jantung koroner (coronary artery disease) atau penyakit jantung iskemik.

Aterosklerosis berlangsung menahun dan menimbulkan banyak gangguan penyakit. Aterosklerosis dimulai dari adanya lesi dan retakan pada dinding pembuluh darah, terutama karena adanya tekanan kuat pada pembuluh jantung. Pada tahap berikutnya, tubuh berusaha memulihkan diri dengan menempatkan zat-zat lemak ke dalam pembuluh darah untuk menutup keretakan. Lambat laun, karena proses peretakan dan penutupan yang berulang, zat-zat lemak itu boleh menutup pembuluh jantung.

Salah satu gejala aterosklerosis jantung adalah Angina pektoris, yaitu rasa nyeri/tidak selesa di daerah jantung dan dada karena berkurangnya bekalan darah ke otot jantung. Angina boleh terjadi baik saat beraktiviti fisik mahupun beristirahat. Bila berlanjut, angina boleh berkembang menjadi infark miokard akut yang berbahaya.

2. Infark Miokard Akut

Infark miokard adalah kematian otot jantung karena penyumbatan pada arteri koroner. Otot-otot jantung yang tidak disalur darah akan mengalami kerusakan atau kematian mendadak.

3. Kardiomiopati

Kardiomiopati adalah kerusakan/gangguan otot jantung sehingga menyebabkan dinding-dinding jantung tidak bergerak sempurna dalam menyedot dan mengepam darah. Penderita kardiomiopati seringkali berisiko terkena arritmia dan gagal jantung mendadak. Kardiomiopati masih dibagi lagi jenisnya menjadi kardiomipati kongestif, hipertrofik, restriktif dan peripartum.

4. Arritmia

Arritmia berarti irama jantung tidak normal, yang bisa disebabkan oleh gangguan rangsang dan penghantaran rangsang jantung ringan maupun berat.

5. Gagal Jantung Kongestif.

Gagal jantung adalah ketidakmampuan jantung untuk memompa darah secara efektif ke seluruh tubuh. Jantung dikatakan gagal bukan karena berhenti bekerja, namun karena tidak mengepam sekuat yang seharusnya. Sebagai kesannya, darah boleh berbalik ke paru-paru dan bagian tubuh lainnya.

6. Fibrilasi Atrial

Fibrilasi atrial adalah gangguan ritme listik jantung yang mengganggu atrial. Gangguan impuls listrik ini menyebabkan kontraksi otot jantung tidak beraturan dan mengepam darah secara tidak efisien. Akibatnya, atrium jantung tidak sepenuhnya mengosongkan darah menuju ke serambi (ventrikel). Fibrilasi atrial biasanya terkait dengan banyak gangguan jantung lainnya, termasuk kardiomiopati,koronerhipertropi ventrikel, dll. Hipertiroid dan keracunan alkohol juga boleh menyebabkan fibrilasi atrial.

7. Inflamasi Jantung

Inflamasi jantung dapat terjadi pada dinding jantung (miokarditis), selaput yang menyelimuti jantung (perikarditis), atau bagian dalam (endokarditis). Inflamasi jantung dapat disebabkan oleh racun mahupun infeksi.

8. Penyakit Jantung Rematik

Penyakit jantung rematik adalah kerusakan pada katup jantung karena demam rematik, yang disebabkan oleh bakteria streptokokus.

9. Kelainan Katup Jantung

Katup jantung berfungsi mengendalikan arah aliran darah dalam jantung. Kelainan katup jantung yang dapat mengganggu aliran tersebut, antara lain karena pengecilan (stenosis), kebocoran (regurgiasi), atau tidak menutup sempurna (prolapsis). Kelainan katup dapat terjadi sebagai bawaan lahir mahupun karena jangkitan dan kesan samping pengobatan.

lelaki dan wanita di pagi hari

Beginilah Beza lelaki dan wanita jika Bangun di Pagi Hari

Tentu saja, ketika lelaki dan perempuan bangun di pagi hari mamiliki aktifitas masing masing, namun sepertinya perbzdaan tersebut terlalu jauh, lihatlah bagaimana ketika kita melihat contohnya dibawah ini.
